A year ago, the Covid-19 virus was barely on the radar for most of us. Even as the reality of what we were facing began to sink in, I don’t think most of us expected to be still living with the virus as a primary concern.
I’ve been fortunate to have fared well during this period. One thing in my favor is that I am a person who relishes solitude. Most of the things I like to do are best done alone, particularly when it comes to my small business. So, while I am definitely looking forward to things like going to a movie, gathering with friends for potluck dinners, visits with family members, I haven’t felt the terrible longing that so many have endured.
You may know that I travel cross country during the winter month; something I’ve done every year since 2010, save for the 2013/2014 season. One thing that HAS changed is my vehicle! Meet Ramses!

Last spring, my old van Penney, a1990 Ford E-150, got me back to New York – BARELY – and that’s not an understatement. I knew that was her last cross country ride, and began saving for a new vehicle in earnest. That’s another example of my faring better than many with this pandemic. I was able to put my first stimulus check completely aside for use as a down payment.
I had to take out a loan, and that was something I’d never done before. Looking back, it al went fine, but during the process, I was a nervous wreck. It’s a big difference, having a vehicle that I’ll be paying more than $300/month for the next five year, over a $1200 one paid for and done.
But, since it IS my home for five months a year, I’m getting off much easier than almost any other person who pays rent or has a mortgage. And, it’s been just a pleasure, to have a reliable vehicle that gets up and over the mountains without me rocking back and forth in the drivers seat in an uncontrollable urge to “help” on the steep! Plus – the room!!!!
The interior has not been finished yet. I ran out of time and cash before hitting the road in November, so I’m not going to show the interior. This summer, back in New York, I’ll be dedicating my efforts to getting Ramses in “Picture Perfect” shape. Or, perfect for me, anyway. An Instagram #VanLife Influencer, I’m not. But, if you WOULD like to follow my Instagram feed, you’ll see my day to day goings on, places I’ve traveled to,and insight into the creative process in my jewelry. Also doggy pics!, and how I personally deal with van living.
What I AM is an artisan jewelry maker! And if you recall, last spring I invested in machinery to cut and polish my own cabochons. When I got back to NY, the electricity which was hoped to go in over the winter, had not happened. But, because of Covid, my place of work was not open, and I took over the trailhead booth(which had solar power), and worked for tow months, nearly daily, on crafting cabochons.
Eventually, we reopened, and there went my studio. I was still hoping for electricity to come to my cabin, but it never did, and now it’s not looking likely, at least for a while. So, I went from mid-May until about a week ago, without firing up my machines.
I had plenty of stones to work with, and so was focused on jewelry-making. Here are a few of the pieces I created during that period, all with stones I cut myself. You’ll be able to click the images to get to the listing in my Etsy shop, so you can read about the piece if you’d like.

I’ve also been on an earring making microbinge. Here’s a link to the Earrings section of my shop, and I’ll be adding more as soon as I can photograph and edit images.
As of late February, I’m in Quartzsite, Arizona, mainly due to my ability to polug my lapidary equipment in and work. In a week or so, I will move on, and begin a slowed down journey toward my home in New York. I’ll be heading north toward either Sedona or…should I veer more westerly and head to souther Utah? I haven’t yet decided!